Mittwoch, 15. Juni 2016

Filmomat x 3

Here's a picture of the first three finished Filmomats. In the meantime all customers have received their machine and so far there is only positive feedback!

Currently I am working on some constructional changes in order to simplify the manufacturing process. The next batch of machines will hopefully be available soon!

2 Kommentare:

  1. Hallo Lukas,
    bin gerade ganz zufällig (YouTube) auf Dein sehr feines Projekt gestoßen. Gibt es eine Möglichkeit eine der Maschinen zu erwerben und wenn ja, wie und wo und zu welchem Preis? :-)
    Beste Grüße

  2. this is just incredible!!!! I NEED ONE!
    are you planing on selling them?
    If so, could i get one?
    Thank you!
    best regards
