Freitag, 4. Dezember 2015

Der Filmomat

Nach Shutter-Speed und dem "PhotoPlug" bin ich stolz eine weitere Erfindung vorstellen zu können: Den Filmomat. Wie der Name vermuten lässt handelt es sich dabei um eine vollautomatische Entwicklungsmaschine. Filmomat hat etwa die Größe einer Mikrowelle und entwickelt auf Knopfdruck so ziemlich alles, angefangen vom 35mm SW-Negativ bis zum 5x7" Farbdia - vollautomatisch.

Die Idee zu dem Projekt hatte ich bereits vor über einem Jahr. Seitdem arbeite ich mit Hochdruck an dessen Verwirklichung, welche sich nun langsam dem Ende nähert. Die Maschine arbeitet bereits voll funktionsfähig, lediglich kleinere Bugs in der Software müssen behoben und einzelne Hardwareelemente optimiert werden.

Den Filmomat wird es in naher Zukunft auch zu kaufen geben. Da ich das Gerät vollständig selbst fertige natürlich nur in geringen Stückzahlen und auf Anfrage.

Interesse? Fragen? Dann schreibt mir einfach eine Mail an !

20 Kommentare:

  1. brilliant! What a well designed little machine. Very much in the 'maker' spirit that film is allied with. Congratulations.

  2. Hey this is english sorry I don't know german but if possible you make these in the future? Right now I don't have money for it but I'm really thinking about saving up for it cause I'm a student and will totally buy it down the road. Great idea and keep doing your thing man!

  3. I would but one in a heartbeat and even picked it up from Germany. So is there a list I can sign up to?

  4. I would but one in a heartbeat and even picked it up from Germany. So is there a list I can sign up to?

  5. I would buy one in a heartbeat and even picked it up from Germany. So is there a list I can sign up to?

  6. I will be happy to buy one

  7. If you do not plan to mass produce it, any chance you'd open source it? Release for non-commercial use only? Or sell plans/tutorials?
    Really hoping here!

  8. Hallo, sehr interessante Maschine, vor allem die geringe Grösse find ich toll. Gibts eine Liste, auf der man sich als Interessent eintragen kann?

  9. This invention would deploy traditional photography among the people throughout the culture,,
    So I suggest that you manufacture and sell this product (This great invention) to be compared with (a fair price) even be encouraging the parties,, the seller and the buyer

    I missed that the machine,,, Can you buy several manufacturing units of that machine?

  10. please call me to discuss the investment required to come to market. I invest in I.T. and have successfully brought to market many innovative solutions.
    Roger Connolly -

  11. Hi,I really like this machine.When you push it to market,please tell me,I want to buy one.,
    Fred from Taiwan.

  12. Very interested

  13. That is amazing! Congratulations first of all! Do you plan to kickstarter production or open source it? Regards

  14. Excellent idea I am Professional Photographer and have been having a lot of problems find good consistent film processing. Keep up the good work

  15. I would love to buy one of these machines! Please email me at

  16. I would also love it if you contacted me if you decide to sell any of these. Thanks!

  17. Saw the machine running today at Photokina Cologne. Brilliant! Didn't expect this amazing quality and speed. Congrats. Want one!

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